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In silent strength, he stands so tall,

A presence felt through rise and fall,

With wisdom born from years well-spent,

A father's thought, so deep, unbent.


His hands, both firm and gentle too,

Shape the world we each pass through,

In laughter's glow and sorrow's rain,

His steady heart bears joy and pain.


Through sleepless nights and busy days,

He walks with us in countless ways,

His courage, quiet grace,

Reflect in every action’s trace.


With eyes that see beyond our fears,

A heart that holds our dreams and tears,

He teaches us with every stride,

To face the world, yet here, abide.


From childhood's play to grown-up flight,

He's our protector, our guiding light,

In every path we choose to take,

His resilience, a bond that will not break.


To the fathers, true and strong,

The silent heroes all along,

With endless love and patient care,

A father's gift beyond compare.


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