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In the realms where neurons weave their tale,

A silent guest emerges, seizures with a dural tail.

"Oma", a name so gently spoken,

A hyperostotic foe, in mind unbroken.

Upon the meninges it takes its throne,

An extra axial growth, uninvited, unknown.

A dance of Psammoma cells, a wayward bloom,

In the garden of temporal lobe, it finds its room.

But courage shines homogenously where CSF clefts creep,

As the invisible black and white warrior rise from slumber sleep.

The operation wield a skilful part,

Tried their best to mend the tumor part.

With sequences and cells intertwined,

The 'oma's grip was about to unbind.

In diagnostic unity, we face a healthy fight,

A small triumph that endless night.

So lets raise the contralateral hand and sing,

For strength and minimal gliosis, let the bells ring.

Null and void, the clock flowed to 9, But still there was no sign of alanine.

Meningioma, though a daunting foe,

Hemangioendothelioma, against all the undertoe.


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